Martes, Setyembre 1, 2015



 Electricity is considered to be one of the most important commodities where major operations already depend on it. The world will never be the way it is today without it. Everywhere we look, electricity is widely utilized and needed in all time of the day, in all seasons of the year. Hence, it makes itself no longer strange to everyone.

This book aims to give an overview how electricity came to its birth and how it continually gives life to humans in this present generation. Same with the others, it has its beginning and it started with a single idea until it was enhanced and founded to be complex and very useful today. It was the product of the unified ideas of the brilliant and curious minds of individuals or commonly known as scientists. Long before, there was this discovery of the Greeks about static electricity as they rubbed wool against amber that made objects to be attracted to it. That was the starting point of the different studies and experiments. Until these scientists, that will be mentioned later, discovered many contributions of the birth of electricity and built many foundations in understanding it deeper.


 Example was the kite experiment of Benjamin Franklin during thunderstorms that made him understood that current is due to the flow of charges.







Upon the birth of this idea was the emergence of different names that left remarkable moments of the history of electricity and led to many more discoveries.

Another famous name was Charles Augustin de Coulomb who got the quantitative relationship of charges which was named after him as Coulomb’s law.  

One invention was the first practical method of generating electricity through a battery being invented by Alessandro Volta. It was also him who introduced the terms “electromotive force” and “electric current”.

Another highlight was the famous relation among current, voltage and resistance known as Ohm’s law which was named after Georg Simon Ohm.

Everything in this world is interconnected as the famous saying goes “No man is an Island”. In talking about electricity again, we cannot deny how it is being linked to another. Before electricity is how electricity today, it has this connection to magnetism and that is how we hear about electromagnetism. There is such thing as permanent magnet known as lodestone that will exert an attractive force on iron objects nearby. Magnets were unconsciously used long before like for navigation without the idea how it is connected to electricity.

Until a Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted discovered that a compass needle would deflect when there is electric current near to it. He was not able to understand fully the said phenomenon but he still published it without explanation until a French physicist Andre-Marie Ampere able to find the relationship between the current in the wire and the magnetic effect that it produced.

After few years, another scientist named Michael Faraday understood better the relationship of the two and able to discover that current can be produced without connecting the circuit to a battery but only by a moving magnet near it. This electric effect produced by magnetism was named as electromagnetic induction.   Together with Ampere’s theory, Faraday came up with the idea that electricity can produce magnetism and in the other way around magnetism can produce electricity. Using these discoveries, he was able to invent electric generator and motor.

Georg Westinghouse has owned the patents for ac motor and generator invented by Nikola Tesla.
Another name made a highlight where he formalized the theory of electromagnetism using the obtained equations from the earlier results and adding his own contribution and it was James Clerk Maxwell. According to him, electricity and magnetism are interrelated. 

 Now building up those ideas about electricity and its relationship to magnetism is the emergence of different devices used by us today. As a whole, it is categorized as electronics in which it is defined as the science, technology and application of electricity for its practical purposes and uses. To give you an overview of what is electronics all about, this book will be the one to acquaint you through studying the wholesome of it starting from the smallest elements that comprise it. The discoveries mentioned above were just the foundation of electronics and it now our time to explore to the ever applied part, the making and the controlling of electricity for purposeful application and these are called electronic devices.

Above is Jack Kilby who invented the integrated circuit and microchip which greatly influenced the shape of modern computing. His invention became revolutionary in world of computing and was also considered as the start of devices becoming part of human’s life.

Here comes another person, William Shockley, who was a Nobel Prize awardee together with his company John Bardeen and Walter H. Brattain. After they have invented a transistor, it was considered as great breakthrough in the history of technology.

Another electronic device being invented was the CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon) image sensor. This means image sensor module size can be smaller for thinner and even slimmer mobile devices. This reduces camera module size by 20%.

We also have now pressure sensor and vision sensor that could right away detect.

Another invention is this thermocouple in which is a temperature-measuring device. This is called as it is because it consists of two dissimilar conductors that measures more than one spots where there is a difference in temperature.


These are just some of the many inventions today and years to come but my point here in this book is I will just give you an overview of what is electronics and how it evolved particularly by studying its components that comprise a single device. This book contains the different circuit elements, their behavior and functions. This will give you a summary on how current is made, controlled for practical and purposeful uses.


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