Lunes, Oktubre 12, 2015



          Every move we execute, there is an amazing action behind it. Have you wonder how the food we take in continually supply energy? We know that we eat food for survival but if we go deeper, we will be amazed how amazing life is. It is the transformation of chemical energy from food into mechanical energy which pertains to our ability to move. We could even state it as an example of natural transducer.

I. Definition

         Transducers from the root word itself, “transduce” which means to transform. If we will define transducers, it would be defined as transformers. Transducers are so called devices that transform one form of energy to another for practical purposes. Yet, it justifies the law of conservation of energy which states that “Energy cannot be destroyed, it will only keep on transforming from one type to another. “

II. Types of Transducers 

       1. Electrical Transducers

This type converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The mechanical energy can be in a form of velocity or flow and the output is in the form of current.

The following are some of commonly used electrical transducers:

        1) Potentiometers

           The output is the change in resistance from change in displacement.

        2. Magnetic sensor.

           Detects change in displacement forming into change in inductance and formation of eddy current.

       3. Photo Electric Transducer.

         Converts light into voltage that will yield electricity.

III.    Another Classification for the Types of Transducers

1. Piezoelectric Transducer

           Piezoelectric Transducer converts mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa. These are used in detection of the stick’s impact in electronic drum pads. These could also be used in detecting the movements of muscles which is called acceleromyography.

2. Pressure Transducer

          Pressure transducer is a special type of pressure sensor that converts the detected pressure into electrical signals. Pressure transducers are also known as pressure indicators, transmitters, manometers, piezometers, and pressure sensors.

3. Temperature Transducer

          Temperature transducer is a device that can convert the recorded temperature of a system or device into other forms such as electrical energy or mechanical energy or pressure, which will be then be sent to the system for controlling the temperature of it.Temperature transducers are used for measuring temperature of air to control the temperature of heating, air-conditioning, ventilation, and others

4. Ultrasonic Transducer

          Ultrasonic transducers convert ultrasound waves into electrical signals and electrical signals back to ultrasound waves. This type is also called as piezoelectric or capacitive transducers.The used of ultrasonic transducer is for measuring distance based on the reflection of sound. 


VI. References:

Retrieved on September 8, 2015 from

Retrieved on September 8, 2015 from

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