Huwebes, Oktubre 29, 2015


 “Nobody is perfect!” A very famous line uttered by everyone to defend oneself when he/she got mistaken. Same with the things around us, they are not also perfect. Especially in the field of electronics in which there are a lot of available materials that can be used but their conductivity differs and this conductivity would be the consideration in choosing them or not.

                After reading this paper, you will learn about semiconductor, some semiconductor substances,  types of semiconductor,  the process undergone by semiconductors to increase its conductivity and its application in the field of electronics. 

I.                    Nature of Semiconductors

As what its name suggests, it is a material that has a conductivity that falls between a conductor and an insulator. If we try to review, conductor is a material whose ability to conduct electricity is very high and insulator, on the other hand, has very poor conductivity or has very high resistivity. From its prefix “semi”, it means “half” or “partial.” Semiconductors are usually made of germanium and silicon which are known to be good semiconductors.

II.                  Some semiconductor substances

1. Indium

2. Silicon

3. Germanium

III.                    Types of Semiconductors

1.       Intrinsic semiconductors
In layman’s definition, this type of semiconductor is innately semiconductor in form. In higher aspect, it is defined as a material whose number of holes is the same to the number of electrons.

2.       Extrinsic semiconductors

This type of semiconductor is the advanced intrinsic one. Meaning, extrinsic semiconductors are just intrinsic semiconductors which undergone a certain process called doping. This process is undergone to increase the conductivity of a semiconductor specifically the intrinsic one. The process of doping can produce two types, the n-type and p-type.

2.a. N-type

N-type semiconductor has many free electrons and these electrons are called majority carriers. 

Let’s have silicon as our example here. If silicon is doped with phosphorus, it becomes an n-type semiconductor since phosphorus will contribute electrons instead of holes. In this case, there are already free electrons that will help generate electricity. In this case, phosphorus will be called an n-type impurity since it will make silicon as a n-type semiconductor.
                       2.b. P-type

P-type semiconductors have more holes than electrons. In this case, its majority carriers will be the holes instead of electrons.
In the other way around, if Silicon will be doped with Boron, it will become a p-type semiconductor since Boron will contribute holes.Hence, boron will be called also as p-type impurity since it will make Silicon as a p-type semiconductor.

IV.                    Application of Semiconductors

Semiconductors are widely used in the field of electronics since conductivity can be controlled or manipulated unlike the real high conductive materials. If that is the case, desired voltage outputs and currents can be achieved.

V.                  References


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